Publications for Year 2010

Jens-Matthias Bohli, Christoph Sorge, Osman Ugus,
A Privacy Model for Smart Metering,
In: First International Workshop on Smart Grid Communications (in conjunction with IEEE ICC'10), IEEE : Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.

Nicola Bui, Osman Ugus, Moreno Dissegna, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi,
An integrated system for secure code distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks,
In: 6th PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Networking (PWN'10), p. 575–581, IEEE : Mannheim, Germany, April 2010.

Jens-Matthias Bohli, Alban Hessler, Osman Ugus, Dirk Westhoff,
Security Solutions for Uplink- and Downlink-Traffic in Wireless Sensor Networks (Sicherheitslösungen für Uplink- und Downlink-Verkehr in drahtlosen Sensornetzen),
it - Information Technology, Vol. 52, No. 6, p. 313–319, 2010.

Hitoshi Asaeda, Thomas C. Schmidt,
IGMP and MLD Extensions for Mobile Hosts and Routers,
IETF Internet Draft – work in progress, No. 04, March 2010.

Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Maik Wodarz,
Fast Adaptive Routing Supporting Mobile Senders in Source Specific Multicast,
Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 43, No. 1--2, p. 95–108, Springer Verlag : Berlin, Heidelberg, February 2010.

Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Multicast Routing in Structured Overlays and Hybrid Networks,
In: Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking, (Xuemin Shen, Heather Yu, John Buford, Mursalin Akon Ed.), p. 897–932, Springer : New York Heidelberg, January 2010.

Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Suresh Krishnan,
A Minimal Deployment Option for Multicast Listeners in PMIPv6 Domains,
IETF Internet Draft – work in progress, No. 04, February 2010.

Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
The Character of G-LAB – An Analysis of the German Lab for Future Internet Research and its Opportunities for Experimentally Driven Service Development,
In: Proceedings of the TERENA Networking Conference (TNC 2010), (Jean-Paul Le Guigner, others Ed.), TERENA : Amsterdam, June 2010.

Maik Wodarz, James P. Taisie, Thomas C. Schmidt,
QoS Performance Study of One Way Link Characteristics in an IEEE 802.16d TDD System,
In: Proceedings of the 6th Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications (AICT 2010), p. 241–246, IEEE Computer Society, May 2010.

Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Suresh Krishnan,
Base Deployment for Multicast Listener Support in PMIPv6 Domains,
IETF Internet Draft – work in progress, No. 07, December 2010.

Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Godred Fairhurst,
Multicast Mobility in Mobile IP Version 6 (MIPv6): Problem Statement and Brief Survey,
RFC, No. 5757, RFC Editor, February 2010.

John Buford, Mario Kolberg, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Application Layer Multicast Extensions to RELOAD,
IRTF Internet Draft – work in progress, No. 01, July 2010.

Hans L. Cycon, Detlev Marpe, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch, Martin Winken,
Optimized Temporal Scalability for H.264 based Codecs and its Applications to Video Conferencing,
In: ISCE2010 –- 14th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, May 2010.

Till Steinbach, Franz Korf, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Comparing Time-Triggered Ethernet with FlexRay: An Evaluation of Competing Approaches to Real-time for In-Vehicle Networks,
In: 8th IEEE Intern. Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2010), p. 199–202, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, May 2010.
[html][pdf][BibTeX][Abstract] Best WIP Paper Award

Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Hybrid Adaptive Mobile Multicast – The HAMcast Approach of Unified Access to Future Services,
In: Proceedings of the TERENA Networking Conference (TNC 2010), (Jean-Paul Le Guigner, others Ed.), TERENA : Amsterdam, June 2010.

Alexander Knauf, Gabriel Hege, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
A Virtual and Distributed Control Layer with Proximity Awareness for Group Conferencing in P2PSIP,
In: Proc. of IPTComm 2010, ser. Digital Library, p. 122–133, ACM : New York, August 2010.

Hans L. Cycon, Gabriel Hege, Detlev Marpe, Mark Palkow, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Adaptive Temporal Scalability of H.264-compliant Video Conferencing in Heterogeneous Mobile Environments,
In: Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, pp. 1-5, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, December 2010.

Pengfei Di, Matthias Wählisch, Georg Wittenburg,
Modeling the Network Layer and Routing Protocols,
In: Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation, (Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Günes, James Gross Ed.), p. 359–384, Springer : Heidelberg, 2010.

Sebastain Kaune, Matthias Wählisch, Konstantin Pussep,
Modeling the Internet Delay Space and its Application in Large Scale P2P Simulation,
In: Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation, (Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Günes, James Gross Ed.), p. 427–446, Springer : Heidelberg, 2010.

Matthias Wählisch,
Modeling the Network Topology,
In: Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation, (Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Günes, James Gross Ed.), p. 471–486, Springer : Heidelberg, 2010.

Dominik Charousset, Sebastian Meiling, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Hybrid Adaptive Mobile Multicast – Communicating via the HAMcast Middleware,
In: 10th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroNF, ITC, and ITG Workshop on Visions of Future Generation Networks (EuroView2010), Aug. 2010.

Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Sebastian Meiling,
On Naming, Addressing, and Programming in Multicast,
In: 10th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroNF, ITC, and ITG Workshop on Visions of Future Generation Networks (EuroView2010), Aug. 2010.

Sebastian Meiling, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
System-assisted Service Evolution for a Future Internet – The HAMcast Approach to Pervasive Multicast,
In: Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Workshop MCS 2010, pp. 913-917, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, Dec. 2010.

Matthias Wählisch, Sebastian Meiling, Thomas C. Schmidt,
A Framework for Nation-Centric Classification and Observation of the Internet,
In: Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT. Student Workshop, ACM : New York, Nov 2010.

Matthias Wählisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Sebastian Meiling, Markus de Brün, Thomas Häberlen,
Towards a Nation-Centric Understanding of the Internet,
In: Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT. Student Workshop, ACM : New York, Nov. 2010.

Tacio Santos, Christian Henke, Carsten Schmoll, Tanja Zseby,
Multi-hop Packet Tracking for Experimental Facilities,
In: Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM, Demo Session (SIGCOMM'10), ser. SIGCOMM '10, p. 447–448, ACM : New York, NY, USA, 2010.


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