
Till Steinbach, Hermand Dieumo Kenfack, Franz Korf, Thomas C. Schmidt,
An Extension of the OMNeT++ INET Framework for Simulating Real-time Ethernet with High Accuracy,
In: SIMUTools 2011 – 4th International OMNeT++ Workshop, p. 375–382, ACM DL : New York, USA, March 21-25 2011.

Abstract: Real-time extensions to standard switched Ethernet widen the realm of computer networking into the time-critical domain. These technologies have started to establish in process automation, while Ethernet-based communication infrastructures in vehicles are novel and challenged by particularly hard real-time constraints. Simulation tools are of vital importance to explore the technical feasibility and facilitate the distributed process of vehicle infrastructure design. This paper introduces an extension of the OMNeT++ INET framework for simulating real-time Ethernet with high temporal accuracy. Our module implements the TTEthernet protocol, a real-time extension to standard Ethernet that is proposed for standardisation. We present the major implementation aspects of the simulation model and apply our tool to an abstract in-vehicle backbone. A careful evaluation that compares our results with calculations obtained from a mathematical framework, as well as with real-world measurements using TTEthernet hardware shows simulation and reality in good agreement.

Themes: Time-Sensitive Networking


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