Publications for Year 1991

Thomas C. Schmidt, K. Möhring,
Stochastic Simulation of Quantum Scattering,
Jahresbericht Schwerionenphysik, 1991.

H. Fuchs, D. H. E. Gross, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, T. Srokowski, W. Terlau,
Intermediate Mass Fragments Via Dissipative Projectile Break–Up,
In: 7–th Adriatic International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Brioni, Croatia, Yugoslavia, May 27 – June 1, 1991.

H. Fuchs, D. H. E. Gross, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, T. Srokowski, W. Terlau,
Dissipative Projectile Break Up –- A Scenario for the Production of Intermediate Mass Fragments,
In: Nucleus Nucleus Collisions IV, Kanazawa, Japan, June 10–14, 1991.


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