Publications by Michel Rottleuthner


Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Sense Your Power: The ECO Approach to Energy Awareness for IoT Devices,
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 24:1-24:25, ACM : New York, NY, USA, March 2021.

Kevin Weiss, Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
PHiLIP on the HiL: Automated Multi-platform OS Testing with External Reference Devices,
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Vol. 20, No. 5s, p. 91:1–91:26, ACM : New York, NY, USA, September 2021.

Refereed Proceedings

Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Dynamic Clock Reconfiguration for the Constrained IoT and its Application to Energy-efficient Networking,
In: Proc. of Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN'22), p. 168–179, ACM : New York, USA, October 2022.

Niels Gandrass, Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Work-in-Progress: Large-scale Timer Hardware Analysis for a Flexible Low-level Timer-API Design,
In: Proceedings of EMSOFT 2021, p. 35–36, ACM : New York, NY, USA, October 2021.

Niels Gandrass, Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt,
uTimer: A Uniform Low-level Timer API for RIOT OS,
In: Proceedings of IEEE iThings 2021, p. 1–8, IEEE : Piscataway, NJ, USA, December 2021.

Heiko Bornholdt, David Jost, Philipp Kisters, Michel Rottleuthner, Sehrish Shafeeq, Winfried Lamersdorf, Thomas C. Schmidt, Mathias Fischer,
Smart Urban Data Space for Citizen Science,
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2021), EASST, 2021.

Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
An Energy-aware IoT Node for Sustainable Urban Sensing,
In: Proc. of International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2019), Demo Session, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, March 2019.

Heiko Bornholdt, David Jost, Philipp Kisters, Michel Rottleuthner, Dirk Bade, Winfried H. Lamersdorf, Thomas C. Schmidt, Mathias Fischer,
SANE: Smart Networks for Urban Citizen Participation,
In: 2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT) (ICT 2019), pp. 496-500, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, April 2019.

Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Eco: A Hardware-Software Co-Design for In Situ Power Measurement on Low-end IoT Systems,
In: ACM SenSys, 7th International Workshop on Energy Harvesting & Energy-Neutral Sensing Systems (ENSsys 2019), p. 22–28, ACM : New York, November 2019.

Michel Rottleuthner, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Eine Testplattform für Energy Harvesting mit RIOT,
In: Proc. of the 16. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze (FGSN2017), p. 35–38, HAW Hamburg, Dept. of Computer Science : Hamburg, Germany, Sep 2017.


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