Steffen Brauer, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Group Formation in eLearning-enabled Online Social Networks,
In: Proc. of the International Conference Interactive Computer aided Learning (ICL'12), (Michael E. Auer Ed.), IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, Sep. 2012.
Abstract: eLearning systems have been in use for a decade to manage content and collaboration. Still the major online source for coursework are open media like Wikipedia, while students' collaborative online activities are focused on online social networks (OSNs) and remain unrelated to learning. In this paper, we report on work-in-progress for socializing online learning. Our work is motivated by exploring the realm of group-centered online collaboration with task-based learning in the net. We address the problem of finding the proper people in an OSN, and present an automated approach for learning-oriented group forming. This serves as a primary building block for online social eLearning networks.
Themes: Hypermedia and E-Learning
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