Distributed Programming
Jakob Otto, Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Revisiting the Network Stack in CAF,
In: Proc. of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN Conf. on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '20), Workshop AGERE!, p. 1–9, ACM : New York, USA, Nov. 2020.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
OpenCL Actors–-Adding Data Parallelism to Actor-based Programming with CAF,
In: Programming with Actors - State-of-the-Art and Research Perspectives, (Alessandro Ricci, Philipp Haller Ed.), ser. Lecture Notes on Computer Sciences (LNCS), No. 10789, p. 59–93, Springer Verlag : Berlin, Heidelberg, N.Y., 2018.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
A Configurable Transport Layer for CAF,
In: Proc. of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN Conf. on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '18), Workshop AGERE!, p. 1–12, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Nov. 2018.
Sebastian Wölke, Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Locality-Guided Scheduling in CAF,
In: Proc. of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN Conf. on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '17), Workshop AGERE!, p. 11–20, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2017.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
OpenCL Actors – Adding Data Parallelism to Actor-based Programming with CAF,
Technical Report, No. arXiv:1709.07781, September 2017.
Dominik Charousset, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Revisiting Actor Programming in C++,
Computer Languages, Systems \& Structures, Vol. 45, p. 105–131, Elsevier, April 2016.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Reconsidering Reliability in Distributed Actor Systems,
In: Proc. of the 7th ACM SIGPLAN Conf. on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '16), Poster Session, p. 31–32, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2016.
Marian Triebe, Dominik Charousset, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Das C++ Actor Framework im Leistungsvergleich,
In: Report 302, 8. GI/ITG Workshop Leistungs-, Zuverlässigkeits- und Verlässlichkeitsbewertung von Kommunikationsnetzen und verteilten Systemen (MMBnet15), p. 83–89, Universität Hamburg, Dept. Informatik : Hamburg, Germany, October 2015.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Programming Actors for the Internet of Things,
Ercim News, Vol. 101, p. 25–26, ERCIM EEIG, April 2015.
Dominik Charousset, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Revisiting Actor Programming in C++,
Technical Report, No. arXiv:1505.07368, May 2015.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Manyfold Actors: Extending the C++ Actor Framework to Heterogeneous Many-Core Machines using OpenCL,
In: Proc. of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN Conf. on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '15), Workshop AGERE!, p. 45–56, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2015.
Matthias Vallentin, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Vern Paxson, Matthias Wählisch,
Native Actors: How to Scale Network Forensics,
In: Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, Demo Session, p. 141–142, ACM : New York, August 2014.
Raphael Hiesgen, Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Embedded Actors – Towards Distributed Programming in the IoT,
In: Proc. of the 4th IEEE Int. Conf. on Consumer Electronics - Berlin, ser. ICCE-Berlin'14, p. 371–375, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, Sep. 2014.
Dominik Charousset, Raphael Hiesgen, Thomas C. Schmidt,
CAF - The C++ Actor Framework for Scalable and Resource-efficient Applications,
In: Proc. of the 5th ACM SIGPLAN Conf. on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '14), Workshop AGERE!, p. 15–28, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2014.
Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
libcppa - Designing an Actor Semantic for C++11,
Technical Report, No. arXiv:1301.0748, 2013.
Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt,
libcppa - Designing an Actor Semantic for C++11,
In: Proc. of C++Now, May 2013.
Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Raphael Hiesgen, Matthias Wählisch,
Native Actors – A Scalable Software Platform for Distributed, Heterogeneous Environments,
In: Proc. of the 4rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '13), Workshop AGERE!, p. 87–96, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2013.
Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Raphael Hiesgen, Matthias Wählisch,
Native Actors – A Scalable Software Platform for Distributed, Heterogeneous Environments (AGERE '13 paper),
In: Proc. of the 4rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications (SPLASH '13), Poster Session, ACM : New York, NY, USA, Oct. 2013.
Dominik Charousset, Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Actors and Publish/Subscribe: An Efficient Approach to Scalable Distribution in Data Centers,
In: Proc. of the ACM SIGCOMM CoNEXT. Student Workshop, ACM : New York, Dec. 2012.
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