Quantum Physics
Thomas C. Schmidt, K. Möhring,
Quantum Scattering as a Stochastic Path Integral,
Jahresbericht Schwerionenphysik, 1993.
H. Fuchs, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, A. Siwek, A. Sourell, W. Terlau, A. Budzanowski,
Projectile break–up in heavy–ion collisions in the Fermi energy domain,
In: Proc. Fragmentation Phenomena, pp. 207-211, 1993.
C. Schwarz, H. Fuchs, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, A. Siwek, A. Sourell, W. Terlau, A. Budzanowski,
Projectile Break–Up with Two Outgoing Intermediate Mass Fragments in 26 AMeV $^32S + ^197Au$,
Z. Phys. A, Vol. 345, No. 1, p. 29–35, March 1993.
Thomas C. Schmidt, K. Möhring,
Stochastic Path Integral Simulation of Quantum Scattering,
Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 48, No. 5, p. R3418–R3420, November 1993.
Thomas C. Schmidt, K. Möhring,
Stochastic Simulation of Quantum Scattering,
Jahresbericht Schwerionenphysik, 1992.
Thomas C. Schmidt,
Zur Simulation quantenmechanischer Bewegung als stochastisches Pfadintegral,
Dissertation, 1992.
H. Fuchs, D. H. E. Gross, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, T. Srokowski, W. Terlau, A. Budzanowski,
Signatures of Dissipative Projectile Break–Up,
In: International Workshop ''Dynamical Fluctuations and Correlations in Nuclear Collisions'', Aussois, France, March 16–20, 1992.
H. Fuchs, D. H. E. Gross, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, A. Siwek, A. Sourell, W. Terlau, A. Budzanowski,
Dissipative Projectile Break–Up Into Two Intermediate Mass Fragments,
In: International Nuclear Physics Conference, Wiesbaden, July 26 – August 1, 1992.
J. Suro, Y.D. Chan, J.A. Scarpaci, R.G. Stokstad, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Projectile Break–Up of $^16O$ at 32.5 MeV/A: Comparison of a Classical Dynamical Model with Experiment,
Nucl. Phys A, Vol. 548, No. 2, p. 353–366, 1992.
C. Schwarz, H. Fuchs, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, A. Siwek, A. Sourell, W. Terlau, A. Budzanowski,
Non–thermal Projectile Break–Up Due to Friction Forces,
Physics Lett. B, No. 279, p. 223–227, 1992.
Thomas C. Schmidt, K. Möhring,
Stochastic Simulation of Quantum Scattering,
Jahresbericht Schwerionenphysik, 1991.
H. Fuchs, D. H. E. Gross, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, T. Srokowski, W. Terlau,
Intermediate Mass Fragments Via Dissipative Projectile Break–Up,
In: 7–th Adriatic International Conference on Nuclear Physics, Brioni, Croatia, Yugoslavia, May 27 – June 1, 1991.
H. Fuchs, D. H. E. Gross, H. Homeyer, K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, C. Schwarz, T. Srokowski, W. Terlau,
Dissipative Projectile Break Up –- A Scenario for the Production of Intermediate Mass Fragments,
In: Nucleus Nucleus Collisions IV, Kanazawa, Japan, June 10–14, 1991.
K. Möhring, Thomas C. Schmidt, T. Srokowski,
Heavy Ion Dissipative Break–Up,
Jahresbericht Bereich Schwerionenphysik, 1990.
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