Publications by Björn Feustel


Björn Feustel, Andreas Karparti, Torsten Rack, Thomas C. Schmidt,
An Environment for Processing Compound Media Streams,
Informatica, Vol. 25, No. 2, p. 201 – 209, July 2001.

Björn Feustel, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Media Objects in Time – a multimedia streaming system – work in progress paper v 1.5,
Computer Networks, Vol. 37, No. 6, p. 729 – 737, 2001.

Refereed Proceedings

Björn Feustel, Andreas Karpati, Torsten Rack, Thomas C. Schmidt,
An Environment for Processing Compound Media Streams,
In: The Changing Universities – The Role of Technology, (Jan von Knop, Peter Schirmbacher, V. Mahnic Ed.), ser. Lecture Notes in Informatics, Vol. P-13, p. 589–602, German Informatics Society : Bonn, 2002.

Björn Feustel, Thomas C. Schmidt, Detlev Marpe, Mark Palkow, Hans L. Cycon,
Compound Media Streaming in Time,
In: Proc. 9-th Int. Conf. Comp. Graph., Visual. and Comp. Vision WSCG2001, (Vaclav Scala Ed.), Univ. of West Bohemia : Plzen, 2001.

Björn Feustel, Andreas Karpati, Torsten Rack, Thomas C. Schmidt,
An Environment for Processing Compound Media Streams,
In: Proceedings of the 7th Intern. Conference of European University Information Systems EUNIS 2001, (Jan von Knop, Peter Schirmbacher Ed.), Vol. 2, p. 45–50, Humboldt University : Berlin, 2001.

Björn Feustel, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Time Directed Internet Teleteaching,
In: Interactive computer aided learning (ICL) 2000, Proceedings of ICL 2000, (Michael Auer, Ursula Auer Ed.), Kassel University Press : Villach (Austria), 2000.

Technical Reports

Thomas C. Schmidt, Björn Feustel,
Internetinnovation in der Lehre: Media Objects in Time,
FHTW – Magazin, 2000.


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