
Björn Feustel, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Media Objects in Time – a multimedia streaming system – work in progress paper v 1.5,
Computer Networks, Vol. 37, No. 6, p. 729 – 737, 2001.

Abstract: The widespread availability of networked multimedia potentials embedded in an infrastructure of qualitative superior kind gives rise to new approaches in the areas of teleteaching and internet presentation: The distribution of professionally styled multimedia streams has fallen in the realm of possibility. This paper presents a prototype - both model and runtime environment - of a time directed media system treating any kind of presentational contribution as reusable media object components. The plug-in free runtime system is based on a database and allows for a flexible support of static media types as well as for easy extensions by streaming media servers. The prototypic implementation includes a preliminary Web Authoring platform.

Themes: Hypermedia and E-Learning


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