
Stefan Buschmann, Till Steinbach, Franz Korf, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Simulation-based Timing Analysis of FlexRay Communication at System Level,
In: SIMUTools 2013 – 6th International OMNeT++ Workshop, p. 285–290, ACM DL : New York, USA, March 5-8 2013.

Abstract: In current cars the communication infrastructure consists of different application specific bus systems that are intermeshed with each other. Due to the growing complexity of these communication infrastructures, corresponding timing analyses at system level are currently a hot topic in the automotive industry. FlexRay is an upcoming fieldbus for premium cars. While FlexRay simulations below system level are already established in automotive tool chains, FlexRay system level simulations are coming up. This paper focuses on simulation based timing analyses for FlexRay communication. Based on different scenarios the practical relevance will be shown. The performance results, given in this paper, promise that our simulation approach is a good building block for the simulation of complete, heterogeneous communication matrices in premium cars.

Themes: Time-Sensitive Networking


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