Cullen Jennings, Bruce B. Lowekamp, Eric Rescorla, Salman A. Baset, Henning Schulzrinne, Thomas C. Schmidt,
A SIP Usage for RELOAD,
RFC, No. 7904, October 2016.
Abstract: This document defines a SIP Usage for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD). The SIP Usage provides the functionality of a SIP proxy or registrar in a fully distributed system and includes a lookup service for Address of Records (AORs) stored in the overlay. It also defines Globally Routable User Agent URIs (GRUUs) that allow the registrations to map an AOR to a specific node reachable through the overlay. After such initial contact of a Peer, the RELOAD AppAttach method is used to establish a direct connection between nodes through which SIP messages are exchanged.
Themes: Video Conferencing over IP , Peer-to-Peer Networking
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