
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
Mobile Group Communication - A Hybrid Perspective,
In: 8th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroNF, ITC, and ITG Workshop on Visions of Future Generation Networks, July 2008.

Abstract: Mobility is considered a key technology of the next generation Internet and has been standardized within the IETF. Rapidly emerging multimedia group applications such as IPTV, MMORPGs and video conferencing increase the demand for mobile group communication, but a standard design of mobile multicast is still awaited. The open problem poses significant operational and security challenges to the Internet infrastructure, since IP multicast routing, when adapting its distribution trees to moving listeners or senders, needs to newly established forwarding states. The latter requires a homogeneous and coherent availability of multicast routing in all visited networks. Multicast communication services are one of the longest debated issues in the 30 years history of the Internet. Disagreement over innumerous approaches and solutions to the IP host group model has led to a strongly divergent state of deployment. Stimulated by the need of applications, alternative multicast mechanisms have been developed. P2P technologies have enabled group distribution on the application or service middleware layer, which can be transparently delpoyed with respect to the network layer. In this contribution we will discuss problems, proposals and possible solutions for establishing a mobility-agnostic group communication layer. Agent-based architectures are introduced that facilitate seamless multicast handovers for listeners and sources. The Hy- brid Shared Tree multicast approach is outlined to support a mobility-agnostic integration of interdomain multicast routing on the overlay. Cryptographic authentication of mobile multicast sources complets this work.

Note: poster

Themes: Mobile Multicast


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