
Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wählisch,
System-level Service Assurance – The HAMcast Approach to Global Multicast,
In: Proc. of 6th TridentCom, ser. LNICST, Vol. 46, p. 635–639, Springer-Verlag : Berlin Heidelberg, May 2011.

Abstract: The Internet revolution introduced a single, adaptive abstraction layer for global communication. Today, IP interconnects millions of applications, which themselves are bound to the present IP layer via the socket API. After almost 30 years, the time has come to abandon this focus on a single, homogeneously established Internet protocol and thereby release the accumulated needs for innovation on the network layer. HAMcast addresses this goal by following the evolutionary approach of a hybrid multiservice network layer that decouples service and application development from infrastructure deployment. The objective of this work is a universal, robust service access that allows group applications to run everywhere, no matter what the status of regional technological deployment will be.

Themes: Mobile Multicast , Peer-to-Peer Networking


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