
Max Jonas Werner, Christian Vogt, Thomas C. Schmidt,
Let Our Browsers Socialize: Building User-centric Content Communities on WebRTC,
In: Proc. of 34th Int. Conf. Dist. Comp. Systems ICDCS – WS HotPost, p. 37–44, IEEE Press : Piscataway, NJ, USA, June 2014.

Abstract: The emerging Internet standards of WebRTC open up a new paradigm of direct browser interconnects. Users are thus enabled to build personal communities by simply loading Web pages, provided an appropriate software is at hand. In this paper, we present a software architecture that provides the core concepts and components for content-centric communities on a pure P2P basis. Starting from generic use cases, we develop an information-centric overlay that naturally supports user requirements. Our prototypical implementation and evaluation demonstrate the feasibility of this light-weight approach.

Themes: Information Centric Networking


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