

RFC 9510 published

Our work on efficient Delta Time Encoding for Content-Centric Networking turned into an RFC.

Peter's PhD Defense Peter's PhD Defense

Peter Kietzmann successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "On Information-centric Resiliency and System-level Security in Constrained, Wireless Communication"


Successful presentation of the TEAMAGOCHIs built in our PO "RIOT in the Internet of Things"

Document Actions


Our RPKI-Survey is Now Online in IEEE TNSM

The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI): A Survey on Measurements and Future Prospects - now prepublished in IEEE Transactions on Network and Security Management

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Two papers on LoRa accepted

We present a DSME MAC layer for LoRa on RIOT and develop an information-centric networking system on top.

Two papers accepted at EWSN '22

Our work on ScaleClock, an adaptive clock scaling for energy minimization of embedded devices, and on a new crypto subsystem for RIOT were both accepted as full papers at the EWSN 2022

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Paper Accepted at WWW'21

The paper "Security of Alerting Authorities in the WWW: Measuring Namespaces, DNSSEC, and Web PKI" has been accepted by The Web Conference.

New CAF Release ( 0.18) New CAF Release ( 0.18)

The C++ Actor Framework released version 0.18. It improves performance of the messaging & serialization system, uses C++17 by default, and CAF metrics enable users to tap into internal CAF metrics or add their own instrumentation!

Leandro & Peter at EWSN 2021 Leandro & Peter at EWSN 2021

At this year's International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Leandro Lanzieri and Peter Kietzmann present "A Performance Study of Crypto-Hardware in the Low-end IoT"

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New CAF Release ( 0.17.5) New CAF Release ( 0.17.5)

The C++ Actor Framework introduces a new type ID API, which is the basis for major performance improvements in the upcoming 0.18 version.

Paper Accepted at IEEE VTC Fall

The paper "Network Anomaly Detection in Cars based on Time-Sensitive Ingress Control" develops security measures for connected cars based on scheduling information of time-sensitive traffic.

Paper Accepted at EWSN 2021

The paper "A Performance Study of Crypto-Hardware in the Low-end IoT" analyses the performance of hardware-assisted crypto-processing in the low-end IoT

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Three Papers Accecpted at ACM ICN '19

Our works on Quality of Service, Bluetooth Mesh, and DNSSec Name Binding have been accepted for presentation at the ACM conference on Information Centric Networking in Hongkong

Paper Accepted at IMC 2019

Joined work with FU-Berlin and DE-CIX analyzed DDoS Countermeasures at Internet Exchange Points - now accepted at the Internet Measurement Conference.

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RTRlib available as official Debian package

Our open-source library RTRlib implements the RPKI/RTR protocol. The RTRlib is the backend for BGP daemons and monitoring tools to increase Internet routing security. It is now part of the official Debian package repository.

Best of CCR Talk at SIGCOMM'18 Best of CCR Talk at SIGCOMM'18

X-Check PhD student Andreas Reuter presents "Towards a Rigorous Methodology for Measuring Adoption of RPKI Route Validation and Filtering"

Best Demo Award at ACM Mobisys'18 Best Demo Award at ACM Mobisys'18

Our demonstration of "Producer Mobility for the Industrial Information-Centric Internet" has been selected as best - congratulation to Cenk & Peter


We are presenting RIOT at the ACM IoT Day in Munich. Vint Cerf gives the keynote at this event.

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New RTRlib Release

The latest release of the RTRlib version 0.5.0 was recently published.

SANE Ahoi!

SANE - our joint research proposal with UniHH about "Smart Networks for Urban Citizen Participation" has been accepted as one of four flagship projects of the City of Hamburg within the strategy.

Two CAF Papers Accepted

Papers will appear at the ACM SIGPlan SPlash '17, WS AGERE!, and in an upcoming collection on the state-of-the-art of Actor programming.

Two Papers Accepted at ACM/ICN 2017

At the upcoming 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2017), we have been accepted to present two papers on communication technologies - for the IoT and for all nodes

iNET Summer of Code

Two weeks of actively coding Internet protocols in Prague and Schloß Dagstuhl

Co-organizing FGSN 2017

We are co-organizing the 16. GI / ITG KuVS Wireless Sensor Networks Symposium - FGSN 2017.

CAF Chief Designer Visits Berkeley CAF Chief Designer Visits Berkeley

Dominik, our chief designer of the C++ Actor Framework (CAF), spends this month in Berkeley - four weeks full of research exchange and collaboration.

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IoT Hackathon in Dagstuhl

We are co-organizing the GI-Seminar "IoT Hackathon: From Research to Practice" - introducing live hacking to Dagstuhl

RIOTer Oleg Awarded PhD RIOTer Oleg Awarded PhD

Oliver Hahm from the core RIOT design team successfully defended his PhD today. He is now a Dr. of the renown École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay.

CAF 0.15 is Out!

After final tweaks and bug fixes, CAF 0.15 is finally out in the wilds.

c't Article on RIOT

The present c't computer magazine (17/2016) reports about the RIOT success story.

RFC 7927 published

Our work on "Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Research Challenges" has been published as RFC 7927.

IETF96 excursion

iNET members, HAW students and RIOTers attended the latest IETF96 meeting.

New Research Project I3 Approved

Information-Centric Networking for the Industrial Internet (I3) is the newest research project of the INET group: The German Ministry of Research and Education issued a grant of 0.6 Mio. Euros to the INET research team.

New RIOT Release 2016.04

The friendly OS for the IoT got a lot of new features, a bunch of additional protocols and a new and blazing fast RIOT CI is now available. Additionally, support for a number of new boards and sensors was added. Last but not least many bug fixes, mostly about stabilizing and enhancing the networking capabilities of RIOT were included.

PANINI Routing at IFIP Networking

Our Paper "Let's Collect Names: How PANINI Limits FIB Tables in Name Based Routing" has been accepted at this year's Networking conference in Vienna

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CAF Spotlight: Bro(ker) (interview)

In our second spotlight, we talk to the core development team behind Bro, the popular open source network analysis framework. Starting with version 2.4, Bro includes a new (currently in beta) communication layer based on CAF called Broker. This new layer uses the network abstractions provided by CAF to provide a uniform API to communication in the Bro ecosystem.

Best Paper Award at LCN '15

Till Steinbach et al. "Beware of the Hidden" awarded best paper at this year 40th anniversary IEEE LCN conference.

New RIOT Release

The friendly OS for the IoT got a lot of new features, including a new network stack, better timer subsystem to support more precise timer operations, and better hardware abstraction.

RIOT@Embedded World

RIOT, the friendly operating system for the IoT, is on display at the Embedded World in Nürmberg

RIOT is partner of Ubuntu

The Snappy Ubuntu Core partner ecosystem launched with 21 partners. In this ecosystem for the IoT, RIOT represents the micro-controller operating system to support very constrained devices.

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CAF: C++ Actor Framework 0.11 Released

The core components mainly received optimizations and bugfixes. However, CAF now includes the first alpha versions of a runtime inspection & debugging toolkit.


C++ Actor Framework in Network Forensics: CAF and VAST (UC Berkeley) received much attention at SIGCOMM 2014 in Chicago

Re-release of libcppa under the Boost Software License

Version 0.9.3 of libcppa has just been released ... under the Boost Software License. Since the use of LGPL-licensed code is prohibited in many companies, we have decided to re-release libcppa under a license that causes less headache in legal departments.

libcppa 0.9 released

Version 0.9 of libcppa is a redesign of many components of our actor system and features an all-new work-stealing scheduler to achieve better performance.

Co-organizing HotPOST and IEEE LCN

We are co-organizing The 6th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Peer-to-peer computing and Online Social neTworking (HotPOST), which is held in conjunction with IEEE ICDCS, and the 39th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). Please, consider the CfPs.

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New RFC published

After four years of continuous activity, our work on "A Common API for Transparent Hybrid Multicast" has been published as RFC 7046.

Best Demo Award@ICNP

Our Master Students Christian Vogt and Max Jonas Werner Received the Best Demo Award at the IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2013)

RPKI RTRlib on Heise News & USENIX Security

RPKI RTRlib, an open source implementation of the RPKI router part developed at our group, made it to Heise News. A week later, this work was presented at USENIX Security in Washington DC.

IEEE CE Society Chester Sall Award for IEEE Transactions Paper

Our paper "A Temporally Scalable Video Codec and its Applications to a Video Conferencing System with Dynamic Network Adaption for Mobiles" published in IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics was awarded the first place 2012 Annual IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Chester Sall Memorial Award

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Co-organizing OMNeT++ 2013

We are involved in the co-organization of the 6th international OMNeT++ Workshop to be held in conjunction with SIMUTools 2013 .

libcppa 0.3 released

Version 0.3 provides an improved build process, synchronous messaging and lots of smaller improvements.

libcppa 0.2 released

Version 0.2 of libcppa is the first official beta release and ships with a user manual including lots of code examples.

Posters and Demo@ACM SIGCOMM 2012

We will present 3 posters and 1 demo at ACM SIGCOMM 2012 - the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication.

PAM Student Travel Grant for Matthias Wählisch

Matthias Wählisch receives a student travel grant for the 13th Passive and Active Measurement conference (PAM) and the COST Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) workshop. PAM is one of the two top measurement conferences.

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RTRlib 0.2 available

We are happy to announce version 0.2 of the RTRlib, a C implementation of the RPKI/Router Protocol client.

Till Steinbach wins Hermann-Appel-Preis 2011

The prestigious Hermann-Appel-Award in the category "Electronic Development" goes to Till Steinbach for his diploma thesis "Echtzeit-Ethernet für Anwendungen im Automobil: Metriken und deren simulationsbasierte Evaluierung am Beispiel von TTEthernet".

New Research Position open in SmartPower

INET is seeking for researchers on SmartGrid in the Internet of Things für den Bereich SmartGrid im Internet of Things Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit mit Promotionsmöglichkeit - E13 (TV-L) Vollzeit für 3 Jahre - hochskalierbare Kommunikation zwischen weitverteilten Energieanlagen

Matthias Wählisch wins Nachwuchspreis of the Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam

This year's Young Talents Award of Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam was dedicated to outstanding achievements in advancing the Internet. The jury honors Matthias for his advanced and extensive contributions to Internet Group Communication with a 2.500 € support for his future research.

New Research Position open in Mindstone

INET is seeking for researchers next generation social eLearning applications Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in für den Bereich Mobile Internettechnologien für semantische Lernnetze - Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L -zur Promotion

New RFC 6224 on Multicast in PMIPv6 Domains

Our Internet Draft "Base Deployment for Multicast Listener Support in Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) Domains" has been published as RFC 6224. This is joint work with Ericsson and the first RFC of the IETF MULTIMOB group.

Co-organizing IEEE ICCE-Berlin 2011

We co-organize the 1st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin 2011), which will be held in conjunction with the IFA.

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Comments on Spiegel Online

The recently presented report by the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission about prefix hijacking has also been discussed at Spiegel Online. Matthias Wählisch, associated member of the INET RG, helped to clarify some points.

ACM Student Travel Grant for Sebastian Meiling

Sebastian Meiling receives a ACM Student Travel Grant for CoNEXT 2010 conference and student workshop. At the highly renown, single track CoNEXT conference, we present two posters, on Nation-Centric Internet observation and analysis.

RFC 5757 published

Our Internet Draft "Multicast Mobility in Mobile IP Version 6 (MIPv6): Problem Statement and Brief Survey" has been published as RFC 5757.

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Press Releases

16. 03. 2015: Internet Technologen der HAW Hamburg präsentieren neue Wege zur Cyber Security auf der CeBIT 2015

Das Internet ist zur kritischen Infrastruktur geworden – Industrie und Handel, Staatsführung und Banken, nahezu alle Bereiche eines Landes sind heute auf ein funktionierendes Internet angewiesen. Gleichzeitig ist aber das Rückgrat des Internets, die Internet-Pfadverhandlung mit dem ‚Border Gateway Protocol‘ (BGP), weitgehend ungeschützt gegen Konfigurationsfehler und betrügerische Manipulationen. Die Hamburger Informatiker stellen auf dem diesjährigen Cebit-Forschungsstand der Bundesregierung neueste Sicherheitslösungen für das Internet Routing vor. Präsentiert werden die Ergebnisse aus drei Jahren gemeinsamer Forschungsarbeit mit der FU Berlin, der TU München und den führenden deutschen Internet-Knotenpunkten im Projekt Peeroskop, welches vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) mit 1,7 Millionen Euro gefördert wird.

03.03.2014: Informatiker der HAW Hamburg präsentieren auf der CeBIT 2014, wie das Internet der Dinge die zivile Sicherheit der Menschen verbessert ohne ihre Privatsphäre zu verletzen

Massenansammlungen an öffentlichen Orten können plötzlich in Massenpaniken umschlagen, Überfüllung kann z.B. einen Flughafen zur gefährlichen Falle werden lassen. Doch rechtfertigt die eventuelle Gefahr unsere ständige Überwachung? Die Internet-Technologen der HAW Hamburg weisen einen anderen Weg: Im Internet der Dinge können kleine Sensoren kritische Menschenmengen entdecken - ohne einzelne Personen per Video zu überwachen. Erste Ergebnisse sind nun vom 10. bis 14. März auf der Cebit in Hannover zu sehen. Gefördert wird das Projekt vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und der französischen ANR mit insgesamt 2,6 Millionen Euro.

01.03.2012: Vitamin C für das Smartphone: Informatiker der HAW Hamburg präsentieren Sicherheitslösungen für Smartphones auf der CeBIT 2012

Immer mehr Arbeitgeber statten ihre Mitarbeiter mit Smartphones aus, doch die mobilen Endgeräte sind anfällig für Viren und der Schutz der eigenen Daten ist nicht immer gewährleistet. Informatiker der HAW Hamburg arbeiten an Sicherheitslösungen für Smartphones und stellen erste Ergebnisse auf der diesjährigen CeBIT vom 6. bis 10. März vor. Gefördert wird das Projekt vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) mit rund 900.000 Euro.

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Press Reviews

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AT&T Travel Grant for Matthias Wählisch

Matthias Wählisch receives an AT&T Travel Grant for CoNEXT 2009. At the highly renown, single track CoNEXT conference, we present two posters, on hybrid adaptive multicast and on ISP interaction for traffic optimization.

Future Internet Project HAMcast approved

Hybrid Adaptive Mobile Multicast - Research & technology made in Hamburg targets at opening the Internet layer and creating a hybrid multiservice architecture.

We co-organize a special session at IEEE CCNC'10.

We are co-organizing a special session at the 7th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE CCNC 2010). The special session is about Scalable Adaptive Multicast in P2P Overlays. Please consider the following call for papers.

We received a best paper award at ICIW'09

We presented a paper at the Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2009) and received a best paper award. Papers have been selected as "Best Papers" based on the reviews of the original submission, the camera-ready version, and the presentation during the conference.

New 3 Year BMBF Funding for Project Mindstone

Mobile Distributed Learning Dialogs in Semantic Content Networks - the new project aims at bringing together content reception and conversational exchange in elearning - a content-centric social network.

We joined the iPhone Developer Program

Our group is an official member of the iPhone developer university program. If you are interested in doing your bachelor or master thesis on the iPhone/iPod touch platform, please, contact us or stop by our lab (room 5.80).


Please visit us at Cebit '09 in Hall 2, Booth F20: With daviko, our Partner in Moviecast, we present an integrated H.264 Mobile Videconferencing Solution.

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Joining German IPv6 Council

The German IPv6 Council has been established with the clear mission to advocate IPv6 by improving technology, market, and deployment, creating a quality and secure Next Generation Internet. We joined work in the German IPv6 Council.

Final Competition 2nd IT-Sicherheitspreis

We have been invited to present our work on multicast security at the final competition of the "2. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitspreis" (2nd German IT-Security Award).

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Document Actions