Sebastian Meiling and Till Steinbach won Student Poster Award of the IEEE PES ISGT'12.
Dominik Charousset, Tacio Santos and Matthias Wählisch received an ACM CoNEXT student travel grant.
We are involved in the co-organization of the 6th international OMNeT++ Workshop to be held in conjunction with SIMUTools 2013 .
Sebastian Meiling receives a Student Participation Grant to attend the 37th IEEE LCN 2012.
Version 0.3 provides an improved build process, synchronous messaging and lots of smaller improvements.
Version 0.2 of libcppa is the first official beta release and ships with a user manual including lots of code examples.
We will present 3 posters and 1 demo at ACM SIGCOMM 2012 - the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication.
PhD research position on Crowd Monitoring to enhance security in public spaces - full time E13 TVL in Hamburg
Matthias Wählisch receives a student travel grant for the 13th Passive and Active Measurement conference (PAM) and the COST Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA) workshop. PAM is one of the two top measurement conferences.
The iNET RG gladly announces a new open source software: The library libcppa adds support of the actor model to C++
NoAE's Innovation Award in the Category of "Communcation & Mobility" goes to the the Group Communication over Real-time Ethernet (CoRE) for the Design of an Intelligent Car Backbone.
PhD research position on security monitoring of the Internet backbone - full time E13 TVL in Hamburg
The Core & INET RGs announce a new open source software: TTE4INET - The TTEthernet Model for the OMNeT++/INET Simulation Framework
The iNET RG gladly announces a new open source software: mcproxy - a Multicast Proxy for IGMP/MLD