We are happy to announce version 0.2 of the RTRlib, a C implementation of the RPKI/Router Protocol client.
The prestigious Hermann-Appel-Award in the category "Electronic Development" goes to Till Steinbach for his diploma thesis "Echtzeit-Ethernet für Anwendungen im Automobil: Metriken und deren simulationsbasierte Evaluierung am Beispiel von TTEthernet".
We are involved in the co-organization of three scientific events: OMNeT++'12, LCN'12, HotPOST'12. Please consider the corresponding call for papers.
We released the first public, open-source reference implementation of the RPKI/RTR router end.
INET is seeking for researchers on SmartGrid in the Internet of Things für den Bereich SmartGrid im Internet of Things Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit mit Promotionsmöglichkeit - E13 (TV-L) Vollzeit für 3 Jahre - hochskalierbare Kommunikation zwischen weitverteilten Energieanlagen
This year's Young Talents Award of Leibniz-Kolleg Potsdam was dedicated to outstanding achievements in advancing the Internet. The jury honors Matthias for his advanced and extensive contributions to Internet Group Communication with a 2.500 € support for his future research.
Benjamin Jochheim has won the prize for best student poster at the TERENA Networking Conference 2011 in Prague.
Benjamin Jochheim (SKIMS project) and Matthias Wählisch receive a participation grant sponsered by Cisco to attend the TERENA Networking Conference 2011 and present their work.
INET is seeking for researchers next generation social eLearning applications Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in für den Bereich Mobile Internettechnologien für semantische Lernnetze - Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L -zur Promotion
Our Internet Draft "Base Deployment for Multicast Listener Support in Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) Domains" has been published as RFC 6224. This is joint work with Ericsson and the first RFC of the IETF MULTIMOB group.
We co-organize the 1st IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin 2011), which will be held in conjunction with the IFA.