We are co-organizing the GI-Seminar "IoT Hackathon: From Research to Practice" - introducing live hacking to Dagstuhl

Oliver Hahm from the core RIOT design team successfully defended his PhD today. He is now a Dr. of the renown École Polytechnique, Université Paris-Saclay.

After final tweaks and bug fixes, CAF 0.15 is finally out in the wilds.

The present c't computer magazine (17/2016) reports about the RIOT success story.

Our work on "Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Research Challenges" has been published as RFC 7927.

iNET members, HAW students and RIOTers attended the latest IETF96 meeting.

Information-Centric Networking for the Industrial Internet (I3) is the newest research project of the INET group: The German Ministry of Research and Education issued a grant of 0.6 Mio. Euros to the INET research team.

The friendly OS for the IoT got a lot of new features, a bunch of additional protocols and a new and blazing fast RIOT CI is now available. Additionally, support for a number of new boards and sensors was added. Last but not least many bug fixes, mostly about stabilizing and enhancing the networking capabilities of RIOT were included.

Our Paper "Let's Collect Names: How PANINI Limits FIB Tables in Name Based Routing" has been accepted at this year's Networking conference in Vienna