VTC-2012Tomorrow’s In-Car Interconnect? A Competitive Evaluation of IEEE 802.1 AVB and Time-Triggered Ethernet (AS6802) Till Steinbach∗, Hyung-Taek Lim†, Franz Korf∗, Thomas C. Schmidt∗, Daniel Herrscher† and Adam Wolisz‡ ∗Department of Computer Science, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany {till.steinbach, korf, schmidt}@informatik.haw-hamburg.de †BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany {hyung-taek.lim, daniel.herrscher}@bmw.de ‡Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany wolisz@ieee.orghttps://inet.haw-hamburg.de/papers/slksh-tiice-12.pdf/viewhttps://inet.haw-hamburg.de/@@site-logo/inet-haw2.png
Tomorrow’s In-Car Interconnect? A Competitive Evaluation of IEEE 802.1 AVB and Time-Triggered Ethernet (AS6802) Till Steinbach∗, Hyung-Taek Lim†, Franz Korf∗, Thomas C. Schmidt∗, Daniel Herrscher† and Adam Wolisz‡ ∗Department of Computer Science, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany {till.steinbach, korf, schmidt}@informatik.haw-hamburg.de †BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany {hyung-taek.lim, daniel.herrscher}@bmw.de ‡Telecommunication Networks Group, Technische Universit¨at Berlin, Germany wolisz@ieee.org