Álvaro Andino: Audit Business Continuity for Critical Infrastructures

  • What INET Seminar
  • When Mar 19, 2014 from 03:15 PM to 04:15 PM (CET / UTC100)
  • Where R 560
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The imperative necessity to keep the functionality of our Critical Infrastructures (CI) on which depend our life makes essential to deploy Business Continuity (BC). Many public and private organizations require to be audited by law or individual to evidence they comply with legal requirements and standards. Audit methods build upon concepts of likelihood, vulnerability and impact derived from risk assessment of management and information technology issues. Statistical review shows an incremental investment and interest towards BC but in 2013 only 63% of Organisations have BC Management. The compliment of standards assures the quality of the services offered but there is risk ambiguity when increasing security may have negative effects on other aspects of business, including both safety and revenue. Information Security (InfoSec) Audit, BC regards to CI and their dependable Frameworks and Standards are analysed to settle a basis for further research on methods, tools and techniques needed to ensure CI resilience.

39 Entities, 24 Certifications, 7 Frameworks, and 28 Standards are analysed. After the evaluation of the obtained results, conclusion, new solutions prospection and opportunities will be shown in aim to facilitate a proposal of optimization and new solutions, safety, security and revenue of BC, CI and Information through auditing assessment built in an interdisciplinary ambient covering the business managerial requirements and the computer science technical approach.
