Dominik Charousset: Emerging Communication Patterns in Actor Systems

Understanding and optimizing the flow of messages in actor systems
  • What INET Seminar
  • When Nov 26, 2014 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (CET / UTC100)
  • Where R 460
  • Contact Name
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The actor is the fundamental primitive for parallel execution and distribution. Unlike passive objects in the OO paradigm, actors are always in control of their own state and communicate to others via message passing, only.

To understand the runtime behavior of an actor system, it is important to analyse the flow of messages. Multiple producers can easily overload a single, or even a set of consumers, if there is no control mechanism adapting the sending rate to the consumption rate. Likewise, an actor system can distribute work load by controlling the flow of a request in order to route it to the worker which currently has the least amount of work items waiting in its queue.

In this talk, we will analyse emerging communication patterns in actor systems, compare existing approaches of related work, and discuss design outlines for high-level building blocks in CAF, the C++ Actor Framework.

