Timo Häckel: Control Flows in Software-Defined In-Vehicle Networks

Strategies for Integrating Control Flows in Software-Defined In-Vehicle Networks and Their Impact on Network Security
  • What INET Seminar
  • When Nov 26, 2020 from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM (Europe/Berlin / UTC100)
  • Where https://haw-hamburg.zoom.us/j/92376004323?pwd=c3pIVmVyUXN4c1pYZ3dneUVSRTdLdz09
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Future vehicles will be more connected than ever leading to increased dynamics in vehicle on-board networks. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a promising technology to meet the emerging needs for flexibility and security in future automotive use cases. Although SDN controllers have been evaluated in data center networks, to the best of our knowledge there is a lack of an analysis and performance evaluation of SDN controllers for automotive use cases. In this work we provide a detailed requirements analysis for the use of SDN controllers in cars. Based on this requirements analysis we choose existing controller implementations for a performance analysis. Finally, we analyze automotive specific use cases for SDN controllers with controller application examples and show how these can fulfill additional requirements. Our evaluation provides a helpful basis for the design and development of SDN controllers that can be used in vehicles.
