Nesrine Khouzami: Resource Reservation in Desktop Grid

A Decentralized Approach for Resource Reservation in Desktop Grid
  • What INET Seminar
  • When Dec 10, 2013 from 03:15 PM to 04:15 PM (CET / UTC100)
  • Where R 460
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Desktop grids offer a computing capacity coming from several personal computers disposed by volunteers to run applications with large sizes. Indeed, all participants are expected to contribute voluntarily to the grid. However, this assumption is not always true because the altruistic act of peers is not guaranteed especially in the absence of motivations for resources contribution. Actually, a real problem is appearing, we speak about the phenomenon of free-riding or selfishness that threatens the equitable sharing of resources in a grid. We address the problem of selfishness in BonjourGrid system which lacks a mechanism of resource reservation often monopolized by selfish peers. Thus, being inspired by various reputation systems proposed to prevent free-riding, we have proposed an approach that relies on the notion of score, a metric distinguishing between peers according to their privilege for resource allocation. This score is expressed in terms of consumption and provision of resources by a peer. We have conducted out experimentations on Grid5000 testbed on several scenarios. Obtained results prove that the reservation model depends on the behaviors of peers.
